Think about it. Do you want to greet the morning sun with a smile on your lips, a bounce in your step, and a lilt in your voice? Do you want to fill your days with direction, purpose, and delight? Do you want to live your life full-out, filled with your sparkling joie de vivre?
Let’s get started!
What sets me apart is my exclusive focus on mature women, and my proprietary system which includes:
• diving deep into a true understanding of who you are and what you want
• learning new strategies for building your ongoing self-awareness
• fearlessly assessing the obstacles in your path
• even more fearlessly strategizing how to overcome those obstacles
• learning to move yourself from where you are to where you want to go, using the power of your brain
• blending these actions with strategies to boost your creativity and define your purpose-driven direction…
• so you can grow into your Next Chapter, living the Life you Love!
The result is an exciting new outlook on yourself and your direction, as well as new confidence in your creativity and yourself.
You will also have the opportunity to share these new experiences with support from other mature women with hopes and dreams, just like you. With all your new learning, plus support from your understanding sisters, your new life will begin to blossom.
Changing your outlook and approach to your future life begins with an honest assessment of your life as it is now. Here’s what the 55 And BolderSystem will get you to do:
• Gain clarity on your passionate, purpose-direction to give your life new meaning and give yourself the joie de vivre you felt in your youth.
You will also have the opportunity to share your adventure with other mature women committed to their joyful growth.
And I will be with you every step of the way.
The goal of our work together is to:
How quickly you will see results depends on how eager you are to boldly confront your life as well as identify what your bold future looks like – and then take inspired, consistent action toward what you envision for yourself:
• Confront an all-important question: How can you move past the obstacles in your path and forward to the life you love?
• Create a strategy for moving you from your current struggle to the life you deserve to live: a life you love.
• Do the “work” to discover your passionate, purpose-driven direction for your future
• Step boldly toward your Next Chapter, the Life you will Love Living.
Together, you and I begin by working on this framework through learning sessions – supported by weekly Q&A sessions – that guide you toward your honest responses to these critical questions. My goal is your ultimate success and growth toward and into your brilliant future.
During our weekly Question and Answer sessions, I will personally address your questions and concerns. You will never be more than a few days away from an answer to your question.
You will also be able to have your questions addressed through our private Facebook group. Here you will find the support of women just like you, as well as answers to your questions.
Do all your assignments and complete all your individual work. Be totally focused on creating your fabulous future. Understand that this is not a “quick fix,” it isn’t magic, and it will take some time for all your new behaviors and strategies to crystallize into the life you love. That said, the more focused and dedicated you are to your new life, the less resistance you will experience, and the sooner you will be living the life you love.