
Ready to Get Back On
Your Happy Feet?

Think about it. Do you want to greet the morning sun with a smile on your lips, a bounce in your step, and a lilt in your voice? Do you want to fill your days with direction, purpose, and delight? Do you want to live your life full-out, filled with your sparkling joie de vivre?

Let’s get started!









Frequently Asked Questions

What sets me apart is my exclusive focus on mature women, and my proprietary system which includes:

• diving deep into a true understanding of who you are and what you want
• learning new strategies for building your ongoing self-awareness
• fearlessly assessing the obstacles in your path
• even more fearlessly strategizing how to overcome those obstacles
• learning to move yourself from where you are to where you want to go, using the power of your brain
• blending these actions with strategies to boost your creativity and define your purpose-driven direction…
• so you can grow into your Next Chapter, living the Life you Love!

The result is an exciting new outlook on yourself and your direction, as well as new confidence in your creativity and yourself.

You will also have the opportunity to share these new experiences with support from other mature women with hopes and dreams, just like you. With all your new learning, plus support from your understanding sisters, your new life will begin to blossom.

To answer your question, it’s probably best to share the defining struggle that brought me to 55 And BolderSM. When I lost my husband several years ago in my 60’s, my life not only shifted; it shattered. I felt utterly alone and rudderless, despite my three wonderful sons. My husband had been the closest person to me for the 53 years we’d known each other, and his loss left me profoundly confused, grief-stricken, and bereft. Following his death, I spent months, and months, withdrawn and depressed. I had lost all my joie de vivre. I had no direction at all. I spent my days alone, feeling confused and terribly sad, and eating too much. My weight was rising, quickly. But I didn’t care, not enough to do anything about it. At last, one day my experience began to shift. I woke up one morning, and I suddenly had an epiphany: I had a choice! My dismal future wasn’t written in stone. I realized I could pull myself up, bring myself back to life, and do whatever it took to revive my heart and spirit. When I asked myself what would reawaken me and revive my spirit which had been so vibrant before my husband’s death, I felt deeply that I needed to do…to tackle…something deeply meaningful to me. I could return to a passion I’d had all my life but had never pursued in depth. For me, that passion was singing. I threw myself into intensive voice training and challenging vocal projects. This was in my late 60’s. Singing fed my heart, my spirit, and led me back to my joy. For me, singing is still the tonic that keeps my soul soaring and my smile bright. The fact is that growing older can be very challenging. I know many of my peers of mature women have struggled with similar life transitions. They also have long held, deep desire to do or be or have something they’ve never allowed themselves before. Or maybe they simply never had the opportunity to pursue their dream direction. Knowing how discovering my own path revived my own life, I now devote myself to helping other women seeking to revive their own lives. I know it is possible. With my own life experience, and my experience in both counseling and teaching, I know I can help them recapture their mojo!
I work with women just like you: mature women with years of life experience behind them, who are now finding themselves without the joy, the thrill for living that they used to have. They may be facing one of life’s challenging transitions and feeling the weight of that. Where do I go from here? they wonder. Is this the end of excitement and enjoyment for me? 55 And BolderSM leads my clients to a deeper understanding of themselves: who they truly are, what they want, what’s standing in their way, and how to get to their dream future. I blend this new self-awareness with proven happiness principles and playful exercises to increase my clients’ spontaneity and creativity. They learn tools for joyful living and ways to put them into practice. And they share their growth with other women just like them. The work is deep, and it’s shared. It’s also fun! The life transitions that affect many of us are varied, and any one of them can lead us to loneliness, isolation, and dissatisfaction with our lives: • Facing an empty nest • Enduring the loss of a loved one • Looking toward the transition of retirement • Struggling with physical effects of aging • Struggling with illness • Facing the challenge of care for an older parent • Facing the challenge of caring for a dependent child • Enduring a sudden financial crisis • And others.
55 And BolderSM was created for the woman who is excited and determined to improve her happiness and reconnect with her fire and zest. She is deadly serious about enriching her life and ending the middle-of-the-night panics, worrying, “Is this it for me? Is this the end of my excitement and happiness? Is this all there is?”    55 And BolderSM will help you to put new learning and systems in place so that in just a few weeks you can be jumping into your mornings with a thrilling direction that gives your life new meaning and fills you with excitement, purpose, and energy for your future. The full-length program requires only 45 days…but 45 days of commitment, openness, and “playing full-out.” The goal of 55 And BolderSM is to reconnect you with yourself: your laughter, direction, and your passion for living. While the content of the program is robust, it will only lead to powerful shifts in energy and outlook for the woman who truly desires a dramatic change in her life — and is willing to devote the time necessary to learn new tools and habits. She must also be willing to practice these new strategies. These are the steps necessary to embrace and experience deeper purpose, direction, and joy.

Changing your outlook and approach to your future life begins with an honest assessment of your life as it is now. Here’s what the 55 And BolderSystem will get you to do:

  • • Think deeply about and assess where you are in your life now. You will think deeply about who you really are;
    • Acknowledge, envision and boldly embrace your wishes and dreams; Answer honestly: where do you want to go? What is your brave direction? What does your dream future look like?
    • Look frankly at what is standing in your way. What are your obstacles?
  • • Focus your energy on the changes you want in your life;
  • Learn how to change long-held behaviors to accelerate your progress;

• Gain clarity on your passionate, purpose-direction to give your life new meaning and give yourself the joie de vivre you felt in your youth.

You will also have the opportunity to share your adventure with other mature women committed to their joyful growth.

And I will be with you every step of the way.

The goal of our work together is to:

  • • Identify clearly where and who you are right now
    • Identify where you want to go – and help you know that if you’re not sure
    • Identify what is standing in your way
    • Help you overcome those obstacles
    • Discover your passionate, purpose-driven future
    • Create a strategy for getting you there.


How quickly you will see results depends on how eager you are to boldly confront your life as well as identify what your bold future looks like – and then take inspired, consistent action toward what you envision for yourself:

• Confront an all-important question: How can you move past the obstacles in your path and forward to the life you love?
• Create a strategy for moving you from your current struggle to the life you deserve to live: a life you love.
• Do the “work” to discover your passionate, purpose-driven direction for your future
• Step boldly toward your Next Chapter, the Life you will Love Living.

Together, you and I begin by working on this framework through learning sessions – supported by weekly Q&A sessions – that guide you toward your honest responses to these critical questions. My goal is your ultimate success and growth toward and into your brilliant future.


During our weekly Question and Answer sessions, I will personally address your questions and concerns. You will never be more than a few days away from an answer to your question.

You will also be able to have your questions addressed through our private Facebook group. Here you will find the support of women just like you, as well as answers to your questions.

Do all your assignments and complete all your individual work. Be totally focused on creating your fabulous future. Understand that this is not a “quick fix,” it isn’t magic, and it will take some time for all your new behaviors and strategies to crystallize into the life you love. That said, the more focused and dedicated you are to your new life, the less resistance you will experience, and the sooner you will be living the life you love.